Emergency Gideon Bibles Rushed to Nepal, “Well, isn’t that just a plane-load full of stupid?”


More than 100,000 paperback-edition Gideon Bibles have arrived in Nepal to provide relief for the millions of Nepalese desperate for help following the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has struck the country.

But the jet loaded with skids of boxed Bibles is being called misguided and “dumber-than-dumb-ass” by rescue groups and world governments alike. [REMINDER: Nepal is 80% Hindu, 10% Buddhist, 4.6% Islamic]

“Well, isn’t that just a plane-load full of stupid?” said a shocked and annoyed Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala when told by CNN that the plane taxiing in to Tribhuvan International Airport was full of Gideon Bibles.

“Do they think Nepal is a Motel?”

“We cannot eat Bibles. We cannot use them as shovels.”

“Nepal desperately needs food and medicine and equipment and workers…not best-seller books.”

Officially, the primarily Hindu government of Nepal has quickly thanked Gideons International for the Christian Bibles but has requested that next time perhaps they “give their thick heads a shake” and send emergency supplies, not stacks of New Testaments.

“The people of Nepal were crying out to the world for help,” Gideons International Director of Advertising and Marketing Craig Warner said defensively via Skype from his home in Nashville. We heard them crying out to us in particular, and we are glad for the world-wide media coverage of us rising to the opportunity and feeding their souls.”

Nepal was struck by the massive earthquake this past weekend near the nation’s capital, Kathmandu, killing more than 4,000 people, with powerful tremors hitting as far away as Mount Everest where an avalanche swept away tents at a climbers’ base camp, killing up to 20 people.

“If you are praying for Nepal, we thank you,” said Koirala. But I humbly ask that you also get up and actually do something…donate, encourage others to donate…just please do not send us any more Bibles.”

Gideon International places more than 90 million of their free Bibles around the world every year, mostly in motels, prisons, and other motels and prisons. In 2013, they reported more than $145,000,000 in revenue.

Robin Steele, Reportering for The Lapine

via Emergency Gideon Bibles Rushed to Nepal — THE LAPINE.

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15 Responses to Emergency Gideon Bibles Rushed to Nepal, “Well, isn’t that just a plane-load full of stupid?”

  1. Pingback: » Bread Not Bibles for Nepal HRDI : Human Rights Defense (International) : Defending Human Rights of Indian Diaspora

  2. ICare says:

    http://thelapine.ca/ is a Satirical.This piece of news has caused a lot…a lot of misunderstandings!

  3. Pingback: Bread Not Bibles for Nepal

  4. Pingback: Emergency Gideon Bibles Rushed to Nepal, “Well, isn’t that just a plane-load full of stupid?” | Believers vs Non-Believers | Scotties Toy Box

  5. Pingback: Bread Not Bibles for Nepal « CauseHub

  6. H K Angel says:

    Hearing it’s fake.

  7. DeltaV says:

    A friend from the BvNB Paltalk room contacted Jeff Pack of Gideon International (jpack@gideons.org) and asked about their purpose in sending bibles to locations recently devastated by disaster or disease and if that is their ONLY form of “philanthropy.”

    It’s not so much a rule – it’s just not our purpose. Our purpose is to share God’s Word through personal witnessing and copies of the Bible and New Testaments. Since 1899 this has been our soul purpose around the world. With disasters it is up to our local members as to how to best handle. I hope this helps! JP

    My BvNB friend commented about Jeff’s reply:

    They clearly CHOOSE to NOT help with food and medication, and in my reply to the guy I expressed how pointless and useless their organization is, and reminded them that the Jesus character said “feed the hungry” not send out bibles. Anyways … there you go.

    If any of you want to ask Jeff Pack from Gideon International any more questions about their philanthropy policy, you can email him at jpack@gideons.org

  8. Julie says:

    The story is a joke – it didn’t happen. The Lapine is a satirical magazine (kind of like the Onion if you’ve read it) that makes up stories to mock anyone and everything. I’ll admit though, it did seem pretty believable and it fooled me – I had to go to the original website to confirm it was a joke!

  9. Maybe they can be useful as roof tiles to keep the rains off of the inhabitants of emergency shelters?

    Some people’s children – they have absolutely NO sense of priority and common sense, let alone courtesy.

  10. That’s got to be the most insensitive thing I’ve read about today. What the heck?

What you think about this?